So, let me dive into the question of this tour.
What am I working on?
My new adventure is right around the corner! I will share the link of my website this Wednesday! I'm over excited, on to a total new adventure and at the same time old trusted things I learned in my life. Exploring who we are. How we want to feel. Who we want to be.
Becoming visible. Being brave and share my artwork with the world.
My clipart shop is ready to share with all of you!
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
We all are unique!
Just being and owning who we are makes us special. My artwork and brand is infused with lots of light and white! I love space.
I think the important thing is just to stay true to our self and who we are. To stretch always a little out of our comfort zone and grow into the direction we desire.
Never stop dreaming up higher versions of who we want to be and feel into our body what feelings resonate with us and make us feel the way we desire.
Why do I create what I do?
Creating is a big part of who I am.
We express us with what we create. How we create our life and what we surround us, defines who we are. We are free to choose, when we let go of fear and exceptions. We can be who we desire and lots of little decisions are what makes the big change!
How does your creating process work?
I just go with the flow and try to push myself into unknown territory every know and then. Feeling a little stretch and uncomfortable is the way we grow. I love to push myself against the borders.
To create freely I love to set up a clean space, clean my home from old energies and clutter. Making space for the new to come. I'm often inspired by colors and feelings, they are the guides of my artwork.
Flowers and nice little things inspire me and influence my work.