Friday 23 August 2013

Daily life

A building in Turin city / And one of the last flowers from our old garden

Boxes all over and in the middle our big newfoundland dog / Chakra journalling

My favourite cameo necklace / Journalling to make the process of moving easier

Moodboard in shades of blue / My rosebush

More buildings form the city of turin / And dreaming of wandering in the world

Left over things from the move, they did not make the best work / Amazing places all alongside the road while driving to the french part of switzerland

Moving all down from the balcony / Our empty and beloved home we left behind us

Moving in and the things out of the boxes / My plants all in one place, they suffer the change a little

 My new studio / Searching places for all our posessions

Lovely little town we live in now / A happy little corner out of my living room

We arrived in our new home and fall all in love with it. It is a beautiful, but in some ways also challenging time in our live and we start slowly to build a new live and habits in this beautiful little town near the swiss mountains. We learn a new culture, new language and all is just to discover. I already love the little town we live in, there are beautiful stores and I also already found a shop with handmade things and know where to grow my washitape collection. In summertime there is a big and beautiful market in the streets and all over are beautiful coffee shops and restaurants where you can eat and drink delicious things. 
Finally we have a fast internet connection and I can't wait to soon share more from our newest adventures, blog again regularly without scheduling and come over to read your blogs. 



  1. ich habe die tage öfters mal an dich, deine familie und euren umzug freut mich zu hören, daß ihr in euerm neuen heim angekommen seid. ich wünsche dir ein schnelles eingewöhnen und freue schon dich wieder regelmäßig zu lesen!
    glg teresa

  2. Bienvenue en Suisse romande! J'espère que vous vous y plairez, avec toute votre petite famille, et que vous apprécierez les gens, même s'ils ne sont peut-être pas du genre à vous sauter au cou d'emblée :-), esprit protestant oblige... (Mais ça, c'est la même chose en Suisse allemande, n'est-ce pas?) Cela prend parfois un petit moment, mais ensuite, ceux qui deviennent vos amis le sont pour la vie...
    Have a nice time!

  3. You new town looks beautiful! And sure, it takes it time and toll to move.

    I am curious for your new home and your blog posts about living in a frankophone society.


Thank you all, I'm so happy about your comments and that you let me feel the love.
Feel free to communicate with me in english, german, italian and soon french!
Thank to all of you kind and lovely souls out there.


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